We intentionally adopted a slow schooling approach in term 1 in recognition of the enormous stress impacting almost everyone in various ways. A SharePoint site was set up that parents would be able to access and, within this site, folders for each class. The teachers uploaded a variety of resources from audio recordings of stories and songs, to literacy and numeracy activities designed to review and consolidate existing skills and even video clips demonstrating craft activities.
There were lots of suggestions for a big range of activities, also for a daily routine, along with the acknowledgement that families would be making adjustments that suit their individual circumstances. In addition, take-home packs with craft materials and other resources were made up.
Our teachers made themselves available via email and phone contact, which is continuing in term 2, and families have been very appreciative. Overall there has been a strong sense of the community pulling together.
This week saw the beginning of class zoom get togethers with the purpose of checking in and focusing on well being and connection. These have been a great success and it has been heart warming to see the delight on the children’s faces as they met up with their classmates and teachers.
Mikhail, our Class 10 guardian and one of our high school Science teachers, is busy preparing for Class 10’s Science lessons next term – Layers and Zones of the Earth. His chalkboard illustrations are just spectacular!