“The teachers understand each child deeply, weaving their guidance into the academic, artistic and imaginative fabric and activity of the day.”
Important to each child’s learning and development is the relationship established between the child and the class teacher, who generally stays with the class for their primary school journey. This enables the teacher to understand each child deeply and provide for his or her individual needs, weaving their guidance into the academic, artistic and imaginative fabric and activity of the day. The class itself becomes an important unit, and the source of many valuable lessons.
The school day is organized in a threefold way. The morning lesson has a more academic, thinking element while the middle lesson accommodates artistic/rhythmical activities which relate to the feeling life; in the afternoon will-developing subjects like craft and sport take place. Lessons are introduced with appropriate stories to engage the children’s imagination and feelings, and develop an understanding of the individual in the world.
The curriculum incorporates the nationally accredited Australian Steiner Curriculum Framework and the NSW NESA requirements, and includes Indonesian language and culture. Teachers keep up to date with current educational research and practice, and regularly monitor students’ progress. Formal testing is restricted to the required NAPLAN tests in Classes 3 and 5. In the upper primary, books may be given to read at home but in general the time after school is free for other activities and family life.
In the small-school environment, opportunities abound for the children to extend their social experiences and interact with other age groups. We aim to provide a safe environment but not one where children are shielded from every potentially dangerous activity, such as climbing trees – developing awareness of their physical capacities and limitations helps them make sound decisions for their safety beyond school. From early days, an expanding exploration of the world occurs through outings and camps, which provide many opportunities for personal growth.
While the spiritual nature of life as described by Rudolf Steiner underlies much of what is done in the school, there is no attempt to promote any system of beliefs. All the major religions are studied so students will develop an understanding of them and ultimately be able to make informed decisions on religious matters for themselves.