What have you been doing since you left school?
Since leaving school, I have been on a number of adventures. I took a Gap Year in London, where I worked at an outdoor recreation centre running all sorts of activities; rock climbing, archery, orienteering etc. I studied International Politics and Global Sustainability at the University of Wollongong, and wrote my Honours thesis on social impact in Social Entrepreneurship. While at University, I went on two exchange programs; one to Bangalore, India and one to Montreal, Canada.
Now I am working with Teach for Australia as a high school teacher. The program places new teachers in disadvantaged schools/communities in a bid to close the educational gap in Australia. I live and work in beautiful, wild Tasmania.
What impact did Linuwel have on your career choice?
Linuwel taught me many things, and I have no doubt that it significantly helped me find the person I am today. The thing I loved most about learning at Linuwel was that I was always treated as an individual, with unique needs, passions and ideas. However alongside that, I always felt part of a larger community. I learnt from both my peers and my teachers that it was ok to be fiercely me. I also learnt to understand others, and work with people of all ages and perspectives. Linuwel helped me foster my passion for working towards a better world, which led me to work in social entrepreneurship, NGOs and now teaching. I am sure that Linuwel played a part in developing my hunger to see and understand the world and learn about its diverse cultures.
Fav memory?
My strongest memories from Linuwel are on camps. We had the opportunity to explore new places as well as develop ourselves. We learnt not only outdoor skills, but leadership and collaboration, as well as a deep respect for nature. Our 10 day trip to Vanuatu was a standout memory for me. It opened up the world for me, and opened my eyes to different ways of being and living.
Plans for the future?
At this stage, I plan on continuing teaching high school students. I see it as a huge opportunity to help young people navigate their place in the world, and lead meaningful lives. I will always work in the social sector in some capacity, whether that be in Australia or overseas. There is so much of this vast world to see, and I expect my life will always involve traveling to new cultures and exploring in nature.